DPHS Class of 78 Logo

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Classmate Photo Links:  (Abs-Bul)  -  (Bur-Cru)  -  (Cru-Fos)  -  (Fra-Hil)  -  (Hol-Kuh)  -  (Kuy-McG)  -  (McG-Oln)  -  (One-Rit)  -  (Rob-Smi)  -  (Smi-Too)  -  (Tor-Wil)  -  (Wil-Zuc)

Classmates (Fra - Hil)

Jancie Franks Russell French Tammy French James Frick
Hank Fuller Lori Fults Steven Gann Gary Gates
Matthew Gibson Margo Giebelstein Barbara Gill Yvonne Camunez Gomez
Richard Gonzales Chuck Goodwin Sam Goodwin Tina Gordon
George Goza Brad Graves James Green Natalie Griffin
Louis Gross Kathy Gunn Debbie Hammons Ricky Harris
Debbie Hartman (Solomon) Chris Hartson Kim Hartwell Tim Havlik
Shelly Hawkins Robert Haynes Troy Hays Russell Layne Hazlip
Ginger Heard Linda Hedrick Eddie Heim Janice Hernandez
Ramon Hernandez Greg Herrington Jerry Hickman Paul Hill



If you see any names misspelled or graduate photos missing please email us at jimboballard@gmail.com

Classmate Photo Links:  (Abs-Bul)  -  (Bur-Cru)  -  (Cru-Fos)  -  (Fra-Hil)  -  (Hol-Kuh)  -  (Kuy-McG)  -  (McG-Oln)  -  (One-Rit)  -  (Rob-Smi)  -  (Smi-Too)  -  (Tor-Wil)  -  (Wil-Zuc)


Deer Park High School Class of '78 --  October 24-25, 2008 - \A9 Copyright 2008-2009 DPHS78